Udah beberapa ga posting, sekarang saya mau posting cusrom baru ni, jeniper v.1,00.
Fitur :
Based on DXLE1
Stock Kernel Mod
ext4 activated
swap activated
amarul script
adrenaline script
megabass script
Langsung aja dah :
Download file rom-nya di : http://adf*ly/AMWYx (ganti tanda (*) jadi (.).
Download file updatenya disini
Download file update 01A disini
DOWNLOAD UPDATE 02 JENIPER (NEW) support firewall dll disini
Cara Instal : 1. Instal romnya flash via cwm, wipe data dan cache di recovery dan cwm, SETELAH INSTAL ZIP-NYA JANGAN LAKUKAN WIPE DATA DAN CACHE LAGI.. jadi cuma 2x wipe data dan cache-nya.
2. Instal updatenya juga flash via cwm, berurutan dari update yg pertama ke yang kedua..
3. Yang ga punya CWM download disini
Selesai deh..
Nih beberapa SS dari HH saya :
- Untuk instal rom ini direkomendasikan instal dari stockrom DXLE1, untuk dari rom lain ga pernah dicoba, jadi yg mau pake rom ini flash ulang dlu ke dxle1,,
- Titanium backup bawaannya hapus aja dan ganti ma titanium backup yg lain (instal sendiri) karena yang bawaan ga bisa restore.
Special Thanks :
My Lord – who gave me a spirit to learning and all
zcop – xda, for tuts build kernel and activated swap and ext4 support
mr. amarullz - xda, for amarull script
irfan bagus – xda, and tuts build kernel
harish2704 – xda, for mkbootimg utilities
imbawind – xda, for adrenaline engine, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1604320
D3HuM4NiZ3D – xda, for megabassbeats
lidroid – xda, for 14 toggle statbar
kurotsugi - xda, for tuts how to biuld your own cusrom
dsixda kitchen – xda, for finalizing rom
um yan - cyanmobile dev for answering my question
mister fedy repencis, melky, ricky, core inzide (master of galaxy young facebook group) for answering my question when i stuck on building rom
mister ridho and rata (member of group) for discussion about kernel (take 2 weeks just for making kernel, LOLs)
my eve …. (i not say anything, its not public consumption, hehehehe.... )
my little brother, Bentz who help me theming the rom (but still no on his png i used on it, LOLs)
mister jadi and LS (member of group) they both is couple, who support me always
all member of galaxy young facebook group
and you who read my post.. hehehe…
Sumber : https://www.facebook.com/groups/galyoungers/doc/405544172836154/
Link romnya rusak gan :D fix dong
BalasHapuscara instalnya rebot dulu apa lngsung updatnya di instal